Check up
Apart from teeth and gums, price list also includes soft tissue, temporomandibular joint and oral cancer screening
- New patient £65
- Routine £39
- Child £25
- Emergency £70
- Radiograph x-ray/Unit £13
Prices Depending on Severity
- Fixed Metal From £2500-£4000
- Invisible From £3000-£4500
- Aligners
- Upper From £500-£800
- Removal Braces
- Functional Brace From £1000-£1200
- Removable Retainer From £150
- Fixed Retainer/arch From £300
- Extraction (per tooth) £150 - £250
- Surgical (per tooth) £250-£350
- Wisdom Tooth £150-£350
- Porcelain £650
- Veener Recement £650
- Bridge (per unit) £650
- Zirconia Bridge £600
- PFM Bridge (per unit) £600
- Bridge Recement £65
Includes removal of amalgam
- Composite (tooth coloured) £150-£250
- Composite bonding from £200-£300
- Smile Makeover from  £2300
upper 6 teeth composite bonding, advance teeth whitening ,complimentary scale & polish
- Fissure Sealant per tooth £55
- Child (baby tooth) £75
- Porcelain Onlay/Inlay From £500
- Emax Crown From £650
- Zirconia Crown. From £650
- Full Gold Crown From £650
- PFM Crown From £600
- Prefabricated Post From £85
- (titanium/fiber)
- Recement From £65
per arch
- Temporary/Immediate Acrylic £350
- Partial Acrylic From £600
- Partial flexi From £1,200
- Cobalt Chrome Denture £1500
- Addition £80
- Nightguard (Soft) £300
- Custom Made Sportsguard £300
- Michigan Splint £499
- OPG £50
- Small Dental Volume £125
- 1 Dental Arch   £125
- 2 Dental Arch   £150
Dental Implant
- Implant From £2500
Root canal treatment
(price includes x-ray)
- Anterior (front) £350
- Pre molar £550
- Posterior (back) £650
- Child (baby tooth) £80
1 surface
- Emergency (pulp extirpation). £80
All hygiene appointment fees include consultation & advise Prices depends on the severity
- Standard Scale and Polish £75
- Deep Gum Clean (Visit) £85
- Stain Removal (Visit) From £95
- Special Gum Clean + £125-£180
- Stain Removal (Visit)
- Periodontal Treatment (Quadrant) £100
- Periodontal Treatment (Arch) £210
- Periodontal Maintenance Therapy £125
Check up
Apart from teeth and gums, price list also includes soft tissue, temporomandibular joint and oral cancer screening
- New patient £65.00
- Routine £39.00
- Child £25.00
- Emergency £70.00
- Radiograph x-ray/Unit £13.00
Includes removal of amalgam
- Composite (tooth coloured) £150-£250
- Composite bonding £200-£300
- Smile Makeover £2300.00
upper 6 teeth composite bonding, advance teeth whitening ,complimentary scale & polish
- Fissure Sealant per tooth £55.00
- Child (baby tooth) £75.00
- OPG £50.00
- Small Dental Volume £125.00
- 1 Dental Arch  £125.00
- 12 Dental Arch  £150.00
Dental Implant
- Implant From £2500.00
Prices Depending on Severity
- Fixed Metal From £2500-£4000
- Invisible Clear Aligners From £3000-£4500
- Upper Removable Braces From £500-£800
- Functional Brace From £1000-£1200
- Removable Retainer From £150
- Fixed Retainer From £300/arch
- Porcelain Onlay/Inlay From £500.00
- Emax Crown From £650.00
- Zirconia Crown. From £650.00
- Full Gold Crown From £650.00
- PFM Crown From £600.00
Prefabricated Post (titanium/fiber.)
From £85.00+ - Recement From £65.00
Root canal treatment
(price includes x-ray)
- Anterior (front) £350.00
- Pre molar £550.00
- Posterior (back) £650.00
upper 6 teeth composite bonding, advance teeth whitening ,complimentary scale & polish
- Child (baby tooth) £80.00
1 surface
- Emergency (pulp extirpation). £80.00
- Extraction(per tooth) £150 - £250
- Surgical(per tooth) £250-£350
- Wisdom Tooth £150-£350
- Porcelain £650.00
- Veener Recement £65.00
- Bridge (per unit) £650.00
- Zirconia Bridge £600.00
- PFM Bridge(per unit) £600.00
- Bridge Recement £65.00
per arch
- Temporary/Immediate Acrylic £350.00
- Partial Acrylic starts from £600.00
- Partial flexi from £1,200.00
- Cobalt Chrome Denture £1500.00
- Addition £80.00
- Nightguard (Soft) £300.00
- Custom Made Sportsguard £300.00
- Michigan Splint £499.00
All hygiene appointment fees include consultation & advise Prices depends on the severity
- Standard Scale and Polish £65.00
- Deep Gum Clean £85.00/Visit
- Stain Removal From £95/Visit
Special Gum Clean + Stain Removal
£125-£180/Visit - Periodontal Treatment £100.00/Quadrant
- Periodontal Treatment £210.00/Arch
Periodontal Maintenance Therapy
What it Costs
Check Up
- Apart from teeth and gums, price list also includes soft tissue, temporomandibular joint and oral cancer screening
- New patient £65.00
- Routine £39.00
- Child £25.00
- Emergency £70.00
- Radiograph x-ray/Unit £13.00
- Prices Depending on Severity
- Fixed Metal From £2500-£4000
- Invisible Clear Aligners From £3000-£4500
- Upper Removable Braces From £500-£800
- Functional Brace From £1000-£1200
- Removable Retainer From £150
- Fixed Retainer From £300/arch
- Extraction(per tooth) £150 - £250
- Surgical(per tooth) £250-£350
- Wisdom Tooth £150-£350
- Anterior (front)..............................£210.00
- Pre molar......................................£250.00
- Posterior (back)..............................£300.00
- Bridge (per unit) £650.00
- Zirconia Bridge £600.00
- PFM Bridge(per unit) £600.00
- Bridge Recement £65.00
- Includes removal of amalgam
- Composite (tooth coloured) £150-£250
- Composite bonding £200-£300
- Smile Makeover £2300.00
- upper 6 teeth composite bonding, advance teeth whitening ,complimentary scale & polish
- Fissure Sealant per tooth £35.00
- Child (baby tooth) £75.00
- Porcelain Onlay/Inlay From £500.00
- Emax Crown From £650.00
- Zirconia Crown. From £650.00
- Full Gold Crown From £650.00+
- PFM Crown From £600.00+
- Prefabricated Post (titanium/fiber.) From £85.00+
- Recement From £65.00
- per arch
- Temporary/Immediate Acrylic £350.00
- Partial Acrylic starts from £600.00
- Partial flexi from £1,200.00
- Cobalt Chrome Denture £1500.00
- Addition £80.00
- Nightguard (Soft) £300.00
- Custom Made Sportsguard £300.00
- Michigan Splint £499.00
Teeth Whitening
- Standard.......................................£349.00
- Advance........................................£599.00
- Special Whitening refill...................£60.00
- Special Whitening refill...................£60.00
- per syringe
- Whitening standard Refill per 8 pack...............£100.00
- per syringe
- OPG £50.00
- Small Dental Volume £125.00
- 1 Dental Arch £125.00
- 2 Dental Arch £150.00
Root canal treatment
- (price includes x-ray)"
- Anterior (front) £350.00
- Pre molar £550.00
- Posterior (back) £650.00
- upper 6 teeth composite bonding, advance teeth whitening ,complimentary scale & polish
- Child (baby tooth) £80.00
- 1 surface
- Emergency (pulp extirpation). £80.00
- All hygiene appointment fees include consultation & advise Prices depends on the severity
- Standard Scale and Polish £65.00
- Deep Gum Clean £85.00/Visit
- Standard + Stain Removal £95/Visit
- Special Gum Clean + Stain Removal £125-£180/Visit
- Periodontal Treatment £80.00/Quadrant
- Periodontal Treatment £175.00 /Arch
- Periodontal Maintenance Therapy £105.00